In an ultra-capitalist society where cybersecurity reigns, where the decline of all alternatives has been announced. Where Jeff Bezos becomes president of the universe following a cybercriminal putsch, decides to launch nuclear missiles into the heart of Etna. Where half of the Benelux and the Shengen space scorched in flames by dragons emerging from the great bi-millennial space-time breach. Where no one reads the general conditions of use of I-Tunes before accepting it, where karton zine would sell advertising space... Small are hopes, humor as the last bulwork against oblivion, Megadef are here to take us by the hand and guide us on though our final journey, terminus: inferno!
By Ninofutur.

As a Punk rock quatuor from Rennes, France, Megadef embody the new nightmare of right-wing parents.
That one where they see their hairy child, living on welfare, a plate of industrial raviolis lying around for a week on his dirty sheets between two games of Nintendo DS, an LGBTQIA+ flag at half-mast above the bed.
Because Megadef are working alot into lazing around and will probably fight for it from all the fibers of their souls in order to preserve this great universal right which is that of not giving a single fuck.
Guitar/bass/drums, sometimes kazoo, sometimes grand piano (yes!), Megadef takes us here through a brutally transcendental journey towards a reality far too raw to be accepted being in a sulk. With the grand voice of all the french misfits on vocals: Joey Glüten (known for his solo career playing anti-folk punk tunes), Megadef sings the most inclusive chaos and the most rational stupidity there can be.
Whether by reviving pure millennial nostalgia with references to the video games series “Imagine…” through a “Léa Passion Bagarre” (« Imagine street brawl edition »ED) or even to the little free teas from Nature et Découverte (a french shopping ensign selling healthy and natural shits ED) in “Nature et Découvertes”.

During these very condensed thirty-five minutes and fourteen seconds, Megadef fires large, white-hot cannonballs into all institutions calling to increase the pockets of big capital. Whether it’s the Apple Stores and other fast food chains on “Cramer des McDo” (Burning down MC donalds ED).
Or the civil rights management companies :”Ni Dieu, ni Maitre, Ni Sacem” (No god, No Master, No copyright rotalties : ED) , including the company bosses (“Anarcho Balade“) while questionning the very essence of the penal code (“Nature et Découvertes“).
Very punk and impertinent spirit, the historic channel punk rock, also seems to be fusing in their genes, somewhere between Sum 41, Fidlar and Zabriskie Point.
We also notice some Motörheadian outbursts on “Ni dieu, Ni maitre, Ni SACEM ”, and even a little folkish and chill riff remaining of Sublime on « Le pire jour, du pire mois de la pire année, de cette vieille vie de merde » (“The worst day, of the worst month, of the worst year of this shit life” ED), even including some rants borrowed from hardcore.

We will also note the presence of the truest fake punks of Poésie Zéro on a “Voisin Vigiliant” (Vigiliant Neighbour :ED) finally putting the real truth back in place: Batman is nothing more than just a rich bastard, whose advantages and interests remains in justice.
But where Megadef knows how to show itself the most Megadef is in their quest for ultimate drunk in public experience: between a moment of suspended inertia “Highly fucked on the massaging seats of nature and discovery” up to a one-way ticket in a “direct train to stonerland”, the people of Rennes are trying to repair the damages done though “NLCDLDO” (Fuck the normalized intoxicated culture) naturally reminding us that the normalized drugged environnement in our alternative movements must be reconsidered.
And that refusing drinks is an absolutely OK thing, and that sobriety is nothing to be ashamed of. Rather unexpected and cool in view of the overall tone of the album, fighting for your rights to party certainly, but responsibly tho.