A peaceful town of 417 inhabitants in the heart of the French Atlantic Pyrenees, Gurs is located a stone’s throw from the megalopolis of Oloron Sainte Marie and the metropolis of Pau. But if a punk band choose to call themselves like that, it’s because history wanted things otherwise. The Gurs camp, created in 1939, was a detention camp for Spanish republicans and anti-fascist activists during the civil war. During the Vichy regime the latter became a concentration camp annexed by the Nazi regime.

It is therefore in memory of the heavy local historical past and the politically consented horrors that the Basque quartet GURS releases its first album “Gerran Bizi Gara” (We live in war), a hymn for the memory of our struggles, for a stubborn class war and a desperate call for hope.

| By NinoFutur

From its opening with the desperately nihilistic “No retorno” (No return) depicting a livid and consumerist humanity reduced to a mass of flesh, bones and anxiety (“CARNE, HUESOS Y ANSIEDAD!” as it’s shouted) doomed to slowly drown in the guts of our urban centers watered by an autophagic liberalism.

To “Volveran” (They will Return), an anthem for workers’ struggle and whithin its martial chorus where the powerful word would no longer be enough to define the explosion of serotonin that it can generate with each listen.

With the backdrop of numerous questions around class struggle and the exploitation of our urban lives hovering over the entire album, “Gerran Bizi Gara does not lie. We live in war, where our bodies are sacrificed as cannon fodder for an annihilating capital, where our tired bodies fight as best they can to rekindle the sparks, where the sidewalks, the gray concrete paths digest us a little more every day: mountains of plastic and cement, these accumulations of our sadness” (“Eder ta Hutsa”).

Outcome of great common commemoration of a past of struggle and anti-fascism, Gurs both by their name and their approach attempts to dust off and reshape a combative although disillusioned mentality through a record as cold as it is warming. Between exploitation of the working class, disfigurement of our cities, state lies and parliamentary corruption… “Gerran Bizi Gara” is a harsh and necessary reminder of reality, rekindling both our darkest hours and the flames of tomorrow.